

Street smart project

SMART Youth Project is supported by the European Commission within the scope of the Erasmus + Program in order to develop the entrepreneurial skills of young people, to prepare them for the real and digital world market and to establish an agile business that can adapt to possible crisis situations for entrepreneurs. The target audience of the project is "Young people and students between the ages of 18-29 who are interested in entrepreneurship", "Higher education institutions" and "Organizations operating in the field of Youth Education and Business Development".

There are 6 partners from 4 countries in the project that is carried out by Karadeniz Technical University from Turkey as the Lead Partner.

You can follow our website and social media accounts to participate / be informed about the trainings and events that will be held within the scope of the Project and to benefit from the project outputs.

*The European Commission and Turkey"s National Agency can not held liable for any opinions contained herein.