About VUZF

About VUZF


Asst. Prof.Yasen Dimitrov Yasen Dimitrov, PhD

Asst. Prof Yasen Dimitrov, PHD is а lecturer оn subjects of Organisational Behaviour and Business Psychology at VUZF (High School of Insurance and Finance). Before that, he lectured in NBU (New Bulgarian University) and UNWE (University of National and World Economy) where he got his Master degree in Psychology and PhD degree in Human Resources. He is also an organisational consultant, corporate trainer and executive coach with substantive practice and vast international experience. His research interests are concentrated in two main areas. The first one is related to Emotional intelligence, and implication of that concept for enhancement of organisational effectiveness. The second one is aimed at modern ""Nudge"" theory and its application for choice alteration in areas such as consumers behaviour, behavioural based safety programs, patients behaviour, etc. Dr Dimitrov actively participated in numerous professional organizations such as: BARM (Bulgarian Association for People Management), BPA (Bulgarian Psychologists Association), International Coaching Federation (ICF). During his consulting and academic career he conducted and participated in many international projects in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Nederland, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and other countries.