PhD Studies

PhD Studies

PhD Studies

PhD studies takes up to 3 years for the full-time and individual form, and up to 4 years for the part-time form.

What you will do during the doctoral studies:

  1. Study of literary sources.
  2. Collection and processing of empirical information.
  3. Passing doctoral exams (three exams - two basic disciplines and one elective or one specialized discipline with thematic focus on the dissertation).
  4. Preparation of scientific publications.
  5. Completion of the dissertation.

Procedure for acquiring the educational and scientific degree "Doctor":

  1. Preliminary discussion of the dissertation.
  2. Public defense of the dissertation.

4 copies of the dissertation, printed and bound, are required. The volume must be at least 150 pages, A4 format, 12 points Times New Roman, spacing 1.15. The dissertation work must be accompanied by an abstract - a shortened version of the dissertation, 4 copies, 30-40 pages.

After a successful official defense of the dissertation in front of a scientific jury, the doctoral student is awarded the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in professional field 3.8. Economics.