VUZF offers you the opportunity to transfer and complete your education in any of the majors offered by the university.
VUZF offers you the opportunity to transfer and complete your education in any of the majors offered by the university.
VUZF extends the admission of students wishing to transfer from foreign universities to 31st of October 2010. From the opportunity of this transfer can take advantage Bulgarian citizens, who are students abroad, or citizens of countries- member of the European Union. The transfer is possible in each of the majors offered in regular, part-time and distance learning. In the transfer of students at the University of Insurance and Finance (VUZF) you can transfer all credits acquired in foreign universities, according to the following acts, "European credit transfer and accumulation system (ECTS)” "Regulations for implementing the system for accumulation and credit transfer in universities ", " Rules for implementing the system for accumulation and transfer of credits of VUZF”.