
Graduation ceremony of the Class of 2015
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Graduation ceremony of the Class of 2015

The official ceremony for the Diploma awarding to graduates 2015 was held in the aula of VUZF on 4th of December 2015. In the overflowing aula, in the presence of the management of the university, professors, parents and friends of the students, the Rector of VUZF Prof. Grigorii Vazov congratulated the Graduates of 2015. He wished them successful professional realization and encouraged their work for Bulgaria and its society. He reminded the slogan of the university “Per aspera ad astra” – “Through the hardships to the stars” – with the wish these words to always stay with them! The success always comes after overcoming the obstacles. “I wish you always to have the courage and the energy to deal with challenges. Look at them from the bright side, from the obstacles you will learn much more than from your fortunes”, the Rector finished his speech.

The Deputy Rector for educational activities and quality management, Assoc. Prof. Virginiya Zhelyazkova, turned to the auditory with the following words: “For you, the Graduates, this day is crowning your efforts, not only through the years of studying in VUZF, but the efforts through all your life.” She reminded that the most important lessons  are not related to the concrete learning material and are the hardest to teach. “You are yet to face different situation in professional and personal sense, in which you will have to take decisions. During your studying in VUZF you have built the right attitude towards life which will help you to succeed in all situations”, said Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazkova, PhD.
The Graduates received a bless of Father Roman, who wished them tailwind and brilliant realization for the good of the country.

Special attention was paid to the best students among the Bachelors and the Masters of 2015. The students with the best full-grade result were awarded with paintings of the artist Andrei Ianev. From the Masters these are Neli Mihova  in "Corporate Social Responsibility" with grade 6.00; Nicolette Zaicheva in “Accounting, control and corporate analysis” with grade 6.00, and Kiril bashikarov with grade 6.00.  From the Bachelors the best student is Dimitar Yordanov in "Financial Management and Marketing" with grade 6.00. Awarded were also Diana Nedelcheva in "Audit and Risk Management” with grade 5.96 and Boris Kirov in "Pension and health insurance (Actuarial)" with grade 5.96. For “The Light of VUZF” was announced Nicolette Zaicheva and from her hand was taken plaster cast. Nicolette was the fourth “Light of VUZF”.

During the ceremony with Honored Diplomas were awarded the professors from the Reporting Conference of VUZF competitions "Senior scholars VUZF 2015" and "Young scientist VUZF 2015." Professor. Doctor of Economic Sciences Mr. Metodi Hristov received the award for long active research, as well as for his contribution for a scientific article in SSRN. Prof. Dr. Sava Grozdev received an honorary diploma for active research and publication activities, and for raising the prestige of VUZF with the second prize of the European research project Le-Math contest EAPRIL 2015. Prof. Dr. Snezana Basheva received an award for active scientific and expert activities - including her direct participation and contribution in the development of the new Accounting Act, which came into force on 01.01.2016.  Assos. Prof. Grigor Dimitrov, PhD was awarded for active research and consulting, as well as direct participation in the work of public and state authorities and raising the prestige of VUZF through active media appearances. Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Dimitrov, PhD was awarded in the category "Young scientist VUZF 2015". In the category "Student of VUZF 2015" was awarded Isidore Karadimov, "Financial Management and Marketing", III course.

The ceremony ended with a photo of the graduates, professors and management of VUZF.

The atmosphere of the event you can see in our photo gallery here.