
VUZF delegation visits Parma, Italy
20 3 13

VUZF delegation visits Parma, Italy

The President of VUZF University was a special guest earlier this month at the inaugural ceremony for 2011/12 academic year of the European College of Parma in Italy. A delegation from VUZF University received invitation from Mr. Cezare Azzali, President of the College, who also serves as Director of the local association of entrepreneurs.

The European College of Parma is an academic institute, which offers education in the area of European law, politics and economics. Distinguished professors from Europe are guest-lecturers in the academic program, joined by Directors of General-Directorates and Units of the European Commission and other European authorities. English, Italian and French are the key languages of academic instruction. Graduates of the European College of Parma are part of prestigious European institutions, the private sector and the academic environment today.

The European College of Parma invites high-caliber politicians and decision-makers from the European family at its inauguration ceremony every year. Keynote speakers of past ceremonies were Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Mr. Pascal Lamy, General Director of the World Trade Organization, Mr. Jose Manuel Durao Baroso, President of the European Commission, among others. Prof. Vasilius Skouris, Chairman of the European Court of Justice was the keynote speaker at the ceremony of the European College of Parma in March this year. He spoke about the influence of the European Court of Justice on the process of European integration.

VUZF University and the European College of Parma will have an opportunity to partner in the academic area. Prof. Vazov discussed this in a meeting with Mr. Azzali and Prof. Alfonso Mattera, who is also acting as a Scientific Director of the College. Among the members of the Scientific Committee of the European College one finds Mr. Romano Prodi and Mr. Jacques Delors, former Presidents of the European Commission, as well as Mr. Etienne Davignon and  Mr. Franco Frattini, former Vice-Presidents of the European Commission.